SS Injection Molding Machine Spare Parts

Servo System

Servo System



1.There is no extra energy consumption due to output volume changes according to load alteration. In the phase of holding pressure, servo motor lowers rotate speed and consumes a little of energies. In the phase of cooling, motor doesn’t work and consumes no energy. According to different products, servo energy saving injection molding machines will save 20%~80% energy and bring you prominent economic benefit.
2.High precision, high response: The pressure sensor and rotary encoder with high precision and high sensitivity achieve pressure, flow closed-loop control, allowing the repeat precision error to be less than 1%. It only takes 0.05 second to reach the largest output power.
3.Save the cooling water: No constant flow pump and speed set motor overflow heating. When the temperature of hydraulic oil is lower, the cooling water is greatly reduced.
4.Super energy saving: Compared with variable pump system, it can save 40% of the power. Compared with constant flow pump and fixed speed motor. It can save 60% of the power.(Different kinds of products have different energy saving effects.
5.Low noise: The noise is below 78db. Servo motor has almost no noise when no movement of machine.
6.The stable servo driver system applied.

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